Friday, June 17, 2011

Helper Project #1 Mystery Dinner

What did you do to help?

Initially I was recruited for Speech and Debate to be a server for their Mystery Dinner. When I arrived I had found out that I had many more responsibilities. In addition to serving the guests I was put in charge of some of the sounds effects that they had prepared for the show during the dinner (they probably wont let me do that again). After all the guests had eaten they needed to be chauffeured around the school to different rooms where they were to gather clues about the murder. After the guests had gathered all the clues we served them dessert while they debated the actual murderer. When everyone had left we helped to clean the cafeteria. I then volunteered to come back to school the next morning (saturday) to help return the tables to a church the school had borrowed them from, using my own truck.

What did you learn?

I learned that nothing is ever as it seems to be. It always at least a little bit different in some way. In my case it just meant more work. But the lesson would hepl you to overcome those things you dont expect and adapt to them appropriately. This is essential for leader who want to keep the respect they earned by thinking quickly on their feet when something unexpect comes up.

What would you do differently next time?

I would just rather not volunteer for the MD again unless I'm in speech and debate next year. The costs outweighed the benefits in this case. The food order was too small so the helpers didn't get to eat till many hours later and even then we only got small portions.

Pros and Cons

Pros: volunteer hours, potential free food, and respect?
cons: lot of hard work for little reward, no food, reallly bored

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